These are some areas in which I write most frequently. For a full list of publications, click here or check out my cv.
Access to Justice
- Getting Help, Wisconsin Law Review (forthcoming 2024).
- Access to Justice at the Intersection of Civil and Criminal Law, Punishment & Society (2024) (with Karin Martin and Sarah Lageson).
- An Intersectional Examination of U.S. Civil Justice Problems, 3 Utah Law Review 487–543 (2023) (with Katie R. Billings).
- What the Access to Justice Crisis Means for Legal Education, UC Irvine Law Review 11(3): 811–50 (2021).
Legal Consciousness
- Remorse, Relational Legal Consciousness, and the Reproduction of Carceral Logic, Law & Society Review 56(2): 237–60 (2022) (with Hannah Chimowitz).
- Legal Consciousness and Cultural Capital, Law & Society Review 54(1): 33–65 (2020) (with Katie R. Billings).
- Criminal Behavior and Local Resistance: The Sociolegal Significance of the Hawaiian Cockfight, California Law Review 104: 1159–1206 (2016).
- Everyone Knows the Game: Legitimacy and Legal Consciousness in the Hawaiian Cockfight, 48 Law & Society Review 48: 499–530 (2014).
- Rights Consciousness in Criminal Procedure: A Theoretical and Empirical Inquiry, Sociology of Crime, Law & Deviance 12: 67–95 (2009).
Legal Education
- Understanding the Social and Cognitive Processes in Law School that Create Unhealthy Lawyers." Fordham Law Review 89(6): 2575–95 (2021).
- What the Access to Justice Crisis Means for Legal Education." UC Irvine Law Review 11(3): 811–50 (2021).
- How to Be Sort of Happy in Law School. Stanford University Press (2018).
Prisons and Parole
- Remorse, Relational Legal Consciousness, and the Reproduction of Carceral Logic, Law & Society Review 56(2): 237–60 (2022) (with Hannah Chimowitz).
- Racial Disparities in Lifer Outcomes: The Hidden Role of Professional Evaluations, Law & Social Inquiry 47(3): 783–820 (2022) (with Jessica Pearlman).
- Legal Ruralism and California Parole Hearings: Space, Place, and the Carceral Landscape, Rural Sociology 85(4): 938–64 (2020).
- Parole Hearings and Victims' Rights: Implementation, Ambiguity, and Reform, Connecticut Law Review 49: 431–498 (2016).
- Keeping Track: Surveillance, Control, and the Expansion of the Carceral State, 129 Harvard Law Review 129: 1318–1360 (2016) (with Joan Petersilia).
- Predicting Parole Grants: An Analysis of Suitability Hearings for California's Lifer Inmates, Federal Sentencing Reporter 28: 268–277 (2016) (with Debbie A. Mukamal, and Thomas Favre-Bulle).
- The Privatization of California Correctional Facilities: A Population-Based Approach, Stanford Law & Policy Review 18: 438–469 (2007).
Criminal Procedure
- Legal Consciousness and Cultural Capital, Law & Society Review 54(1): 33–65 (2020) (with Katie R. Billings).
- Fact and Fiction in Constitutional Criminal Procedure, South Carolina Law Review 66: 445–490 (2014) (with Christin L. Munsch).
- Outing Batson: How the Case of Gay and Lesbian Jurors Demonstrates the Need for Voir Dire Reform, Willamette Law Review 48: 243–271 (2011).
- Rights Consciousness in Criminal Procedure: A Theoretical and Empirical Inquiry, Sociology of Crime, Law & Deviance 12: 67–95 (2009).